¿Cómo llego a ser un cristiano?

¿Es usted un cristiano? ¿Cómo lo sabe? Hay muchas ideas equivocadas con respecto a cómo una persona se convierte en un cristiano. Con más información disponible y accesible en el mundo que nunca antes en la historia, no es extraño el por qué alguien se puede confundir o engañar por lo que ha leído o ha sido enseñado por otros.  

Encouraging and Training Leaders in the Cloud

It has been said that “A picture is worth 1,000 words.”  This infographic helps summarize the subjects we plan to cover in our new Blog over this year and beyond.  I hope you enjoy it.

www.MarcelSanchez.com Infographic

www.MarcelSanchez.com Infographic

Welcome to my new Blog!

We are currently uploading new content as we begin phase one of designing our Blog.  We plan to make it easy for you to follow and very practical to use.  Here are some of the categories we plan to address either directly or indirectly to better serve you and your team.

We are planning to help leaders grow spiritually, relationally, personally and professionally through the content provided at www.MarcelSanchez.com

We are planning to help leaders grow spiritually, relationally, personally and professionally through our content. www.MarcelSanchez.com