Ceguera espiritual

“La luz resplandece en las tinieblas, y las tinieblas no prevalecieron contra ella.” (Juan 1:5)

Sin duda, usted ha estado en ese lugar en más de una ocasión. Usted empieza a compartir lo que Dios ha hecho un su vida con un incrédulo. Usted le cuenta de Jesús. Le explica la inhabilidad de alcanzar a Dios en su propia fuerza y que Jesús murió por sus pecados. Usted le suplica que rechace el pecado y rinda su vida a Jesús, pero no hay cambio.

Jesús dice, “Y ésta es la condenación: que la luz vino al mundo, pero los hombres amaron más las tinieblas que la luz, porque sus obras eran malas” (Juan 3:19).

No importa lo que usted le dice, simplemente no está interesado. Su esfuerzo parece como un tiempo perdido. No le importa las cosas espirituales. Creen que todo se arreglará sin ningún problema. Sabe, antes de que Dios lo trajera a Su familia por gracia y a través de la fe en Cristo Jesús, usted era ciego, espiritualmente hablando. Por su naturaleza de pecado, usted nació de esa manera. Usted no solamente vivía en la oscuridad, usted era oscuridad. Estaba vivo al pecado y muerto a Dios.

No importa su trasfondo educativo, usted no tenía la capacidad espiritual para entender las cosas de Dios. ¿Por qué? Bueno, estas realidades son de naturaleza espiritual y no física. Son entendidas y aplicadas cuando Dios despierta nuestro espíritu, y hace que Su luz brille en nuestro corazón. Es Dios quien recibe todo crédito por nuestro entendimiento espiritual. Es Dios quien recibe todo honor y gloria por nuestra salvación.

Pablo escribe, “Hablamos con palabras que el Espíritu nos da, usamos las palabras del Espíritu para explicar las verdades espirituales; pero los que no son espirituales no pueden recibir esas verdades de parte del Espíritu de Dios. Todo les suena ridículo y no pueden entenderlo, porque sólo los que son espirituales pueden entender lo que el Espíritu quiere decir” (1 Corintios 2:13-14, NTV).

No se desanimen cuando compartan el amor de Dios con otros y se ríen en su cara. No se enojen cuando las personas rechazan a Jesús. No discutan con los que no entienden las cosas espirituales. Recuerden, estos individuos son ciegos espirituales. No pueden ver las realidades espirituales como usted la ve. Ellos tienen ceguera espiritual.

Repase:  Abra su Biblia y lea 2 Corintios 4:4-6

Reflexione:  Considere lo siguiente: ¿Quién es responsable de la ceguera espiritual? ¿Qué específicamente no pueden ver?

Responda:  En oración, pregúntese, “Señor, ¿qué debo cambiar a la luz de estas verdades? ¿Cuáles pasos debo tomar?”

Un Devocional de nuestro libro, Andando con Jesús.

Spiritual Blindness

“And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:5).

Without a doubt, you have been here on more than one occasion. You begin sharing what God has done in your life with an unbeliever. You tell them about Jesus. You explain their inability to reach God on their own merit, and how Jesus died on the cross for their sins. You plead with them about the importance of turning away from their life of sin and surrendering their life to Jesus. Your effort, however, seems totally useless.

Jesus said, “And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil” (John 3:19).

No matter what you tell them, they are simply not interested. They really don’t care about spiritual things. They believe everything will work out just fine in the end. Before God brought you into His family by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, you were spiritually blind. Because of your sin nature, you were born this way. Not only did you live in darkness, you were darkness. You were alive to sin, and dead to God. Regardless of your educational background, you did not have the spiritual capacity to understand the things of God. Why? These realities are spiritual in nature.

Spiritual realities are understood and applied as God awakens our spirit when He shines His light of life in our hearts. For this reason, God is the One who receives all of the credit for our spiritual understanding. God is the one who receives all honor and glory for our salvation.

Paul wrote, “These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:13-14).

If Jesus Christ is your Savior, you are no longer spiritually blind. Don’t get discouraged when you share God’s love with others and they laugh in your face. Don’t get upset when people reject Jesus. Refuse to argue with those who are spiritually antagonistic. Remember, these individuals are spiritually blind. They can’t see spiritual realities as you do. Why? They are unable to see God’s ways because they are spiritually blind.

Read:  Open your Bible and read 2 Corinthians 4:4-6.

Reflect:  Prayerfully consider the following: Who is the one responsible for spiritual blindness? What specifically can’t they see and why?

Respond:  As a result of these truths, what might need to change in my attitude, beliefs, and actions? What steps do I need to take outwardly?

The source of this content comes from our book, Walking with Jesus.

Still Searching

“You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:16-17, NIV).

Have you ever lost something of great personal value? If so, how long did you continue searching for what was lost? The more we value something the more we pursue it. Have you ever considered what God values? Since God never loses anything, what could He possibly need to find?

We know that God’s desire is to live in a shared relationship with His people. This idea serves to remind us of God’s great love for authentic fellowship. God is looking for people who recognize their spiritual emptiness. He wants to fill this emptiness with His perfect presence. God is still searching.

God is not looking for spiritual puppets, but He is searching for empty vessels. An empty vessel in the hands of an Almighty God is powerful. He is not looking for great performers, but He is searching for the right heart to carry out His great work.

God is pursuing those who want to follow His ways, and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Consider this: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Today, as you read this devotional, is your heart broken and empty before the Lord? When you sin, does it trouble you deeply and bring you to sorrowful repentance? Repentance means a change of direction. If you are not allowing God to deal with your sin, you are not broken.

If this is the case, don’t expect a rich spiritual experience. Personal holiness precedes authentic fellowship. Are you willing to live a life of personal holiness? Paul pleaded with the believers in Rome, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1, NIV).

Your sin should point you to the Savior. First, remove the things from your life that continue to lead you into sin. Second, get ready to love and worship God like never before. God is still searching to fill hearts that are broken and empty. If today you are unforgiving and resentful, your heart remains full.

Read:  Open your Bible and read 2 Chronicles 16:9, and Psalm 511-19.

Reflect:  Prayerfully consider the following: How can I demonstrate a broken and empty heart before God? What would that look like?

Respond:  As a result of these truths, what might need to change in my attitude, beliefs, and actions? What steps do I need to take outwardly?

The source of this content comes from our book, Walking with Jesus.

El gran diseñador

“Dios creó todas las cosas por medio de él, y nada fue creado sin él.” (Juan 1:3, NTV)

Uno de los programas más entretenidos en el Internet y en cable tiene que ver con diseñar y preparar pasteles elegantes para eventos especiales. Estos programas tratan con profesionales. Dependiendo en la complejidad del cliente, una orden puede tomar entre cuatro a dieciséis horas para diseñarlo, hornearlo, y construirlo. Usted aprende el secreto de mantener la integridad del pastel y como ellos aguantan el frío, viajes, y sorpresas inesperadas.

Algunos profesionales diseñan un pastel precioso, pero al final, no satisfacen al cliente. ¿Por qué? Porque el pastel no se mantiene completo hasta el final. Cuando llega al evento, una parte importante se derrumba. El peso del pastel es demasiado para su estructura. Poco a poco el pastel se colapsa del interior hacia fuera.

Jesús es el Señor Diseñador de la vida: “Por la palabra del Señor fueron creados los cielos, y por el soplo de su boca, las estrellas” (Salmo 33:6, NVI). Jesús es el arquitecto de la vida. Él es quien creó todo para que la vida pueda existir. Cada persona que usted ve es el resultado del Gran Diseñador.

Como Él nos ha creado, cada persona tiene un valor eterno en los ojos de Dios. Todo fue creado por Jesús y para Jesús. En Él, todo existe, todo se mueve, y todo tiene su lugar. Jesús es la fuente de vida. Él es nuestro Sustentador.

Jesús personalizó la realidad de la eternidad cuando decidió dejar Su gloria en el cielo para vivir entre nosotros, “Y la Palabra se hizo carne, y habitó entre nosotros, y vimos su Gloria (la gloria que corresponde al unigénito del Padre), llena de gracia y de verdad” (Juan 1:14).

Jesús representó la manifestación física de la Palabra de Dios hablada. Él era la revelación de la Palabra de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento. Se puede imaginar mirar a la cara de Jesús y saber que Él fue responsable por cada cosa escrita en la Palabra de Dios. ¡Qué pensamiento tan poderoso!

Recuerden darle gracias al Señor Jesús por Su magnífica creación. Recuerde dirigir a otros a Dios a través de la obra visible de Sus manos. ¡Qué obra tan maravillosa!

Repase:  Abra su Biblia y lea Salmo 33:6 y Juan 1:1-14

Reflexione:  Considere lo siguiente: ¿Qué parte de la creación de Dios aprecia más? ¿Con quién debe compartir esto para dirigirle hacia Cristo?

Responda:  En oración, pregúntese, “Señor, ¿qué debo cambiar a la luz de estas verdades? ¿Cuáles pasos debo tomar?”

Un Devocional de nuestro libro, Andando con Jesús.

The Master Designer

“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made” (John 1:3).

Some of the most entertaining shows online and on television have to do with professional cake making: designing and preparing gourmet cakes for special events. These shows enter into the world of professional cake design.

Depending on the complexity of the client’s order, a cake can take anywhere from four hours to more than sixteen hours to design, bake and build. You learn the secrets to what keeps a cake together and how they endure refrigeration challenges, travel, and unexpected surprises. Some professional bakers design a beautiful cake, but in the end do not satisfy the client. Why?

In some cases, because the cake does not hold together until the very end. When it arrives at the event, an important section falls apart. When the weight of the cake is too much for the support structure to endure, the cake slowly falls apart from the inside out.

Jesus is the master designer of life, “By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host” (Psalm 33:6, ESV). Jesus Christ is the architect of life. He is the One who created all things for life to exist. Everything and everyone you see is the result of His work. Since the master designer has created us, we all have eternal value in God’s eyes.

Everything was created by Jesus, and for Jesus. In Him, all things exist, move, and have their place. Jesus is the source of life. He is Lord of all. Jesus is our sustainer. Jesus personalized the reality of eternity when He decided to leave His glory in Heaven and live among us: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

Jesus came as the physical manifestation of God’s spoken Word. He is the Living Word. Jesus represented the revelation of God’s Word in the Old Testament. Can you imagine looking into the face of Jesus and knowing that He was the One responsible for everything you’ve studied from God’s word? What a powerful thought.

Remember to thank the Lord Jesus for His magnificent creation. Remember to point others to God through the visible work of His hands. What a great work He has done!

Read:  Open your Bible and read Psalm 33:6, and John 1:14.

Reflect:  Prayerfully consider the following: What part of God’s creation can I share with others today to point them to Jesus?

Respond:  As a result of these truths, what might need to change in my attitude, beliefs, and actions? What steps do I need to take outwardly?

The source of this content comes from our book, Walking with Jesus.

Abrazando la luz

“En él estaba la vida, y la vida era la luz de la humanidad.” (Juan 1:4, NVI)

¿Se recuerda de niño cuándo, por primera vez, llegó a entender que la luz en el refrigerador no siempre se quedaba encendida? Sabía que el bombillo iluminaba bien cuando la puerta estaba abierta, pero tenía duda si se mantenía encendido cuando la puerta se cerraba. Si usted era bien curioso, este dilema estaba presente en su mente por varios días. Se preguntaría, “¿Qué tiempo dura este bombillo? ¿Qué sucede con la comida en la oscuridad? ¿Puedo encontrar criaturas extrañas si tuviera una linterna?”

El Apóstol Juan dedica tiempo considerable para contrastar la vida y la muerte, la luz y la oscuridad. Él deseaba que su audiencia entendiera claramente que Jesús es la vida, la luz del mundo. Jesús no es solamente la fuente de vida, sino también el distribuidor de vida. Jesús es la luz del mundo. A través del poder de Su presencia, Jesús distribuye vida en un mundo lleno de oscuridad, dolor y falta de esperanza.

Jesús, la luz de vida, es la luz verdadera. No había trucos o promesas vacías. Jesús cumplió con cada palabra. Él trajo libertad a la esclavitud espiritual. Él trajo sanidad a los quebrantados de corazón y descanso para los que estaban cansados de controlar su propia vida. Jesús dijo, “Mientras que estoy en el mundo, soy la luz del mundo” (Juan 9:5). La vida de Jesús debe ser aceptada y acogida. Jesús dijo, “Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue, no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida” (Juan 8:12).

La vida de Jesús era exactamente lo que se necesitaba hace 2,000 años y es exactamente lo que las personas necesitan hoy para liberarse de su mundo de pecado, quebrantamiento y desesperación. Juan escribe, “La Palabra le dio vida a todo lo creado, y su vida trajo luz a todos. La luz brilla en la oscuridad, y la oscuridad jamás podrá apagarla” (Juan 1:4-5, NTV). Como un creyente en Cristo, ahora usted tiene la luz de vida viviendo dentro de usted. Acoja la luz y viva en la luz. Deje sola la oscuridad.

Recuerde, en Cristo, usted es la sal y la luz de la tierra: “Ustedes son la luz del mundo…Tampoco se enciende una lámpara y se pone debajo de un cajón, sino sobre el candelero, para que alumbre a todos los que están en casa. De la misma manera, que la luz de ustedes alumbre delante de todos, para que todos vean sus buenas obras y glorifiquen a su Padre, que está en los cielos” (Mateo 5:14-16).

Repase: Abra su Biblia y lea Juan 12:46

Reflexione: Considere lo siguiente: ¿Qué parte de mi vida se está deslizando hacia la oscuridad? ¿Qué puedo hacer para detenerlo?

Responda: En oración, pregúntese, “Señor, ¿qué debo cambiar a la luz de estas verdades? ¿Cuáles pasos debo tomar?”

Un Devocional de nuestro libro, Andando con Jesús.

Replaced to Shine

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Imagine living a life without hope, without peace, and without God. Now imagine knowing someone living with the power of God inside them. We were all once without God’s perfect presence living within us. But what if you are the one who has the life of God in you? Don’t you think now is the best time to start shining your light and telling others about the gift of life in Jesus?

Paul wrote, “Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far-gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:11-12).

When you connect with others in conversation, don’t just talk about baseball, the new cable show or the latest news flash. Plead with them to embrace the life. Plead with them to consider God’s mercy, forgiveness and unchanging love. When you connect with people, make sure you intentionally connect them to the light of life. God not only wants us to trust Him for our salvation, but also to live for Him through our daily sanctification.

You don’t have time to continue flirting with sin. You don’t have time to invest in the things that have no eternal value. You only have time to shine! Your old life has been replaced to shine. God’s counting on you to shine the life of His Son through your life. He’s counting on you to replace your old desires with His desires. He’s counting on you to shine.

Your real life, your total fulfillment and satisfaction, is found in Jesus (John 15:1). His life in you is the light of this world. His life in you is the hope for those who live in spiritual bondage. Jesus is the power of God for salvation to those who are eternally lost. This is the message that must visibly shine through our lives every day. Others can embrace the power of life as you allow God’s light to shine through your life. People desperately need to see the light of life.

You have the light of life permanently living within you. “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3, NIV). Your life has been replaced with Christ’s life. Why? So you can freely live for God and express His love to others.

Read: Open your Bible and read Matthew 5:14-16.

Reflect: Prayerfully consider the following: Where can my light begin to shine brighter? What old patterns of ungodly behavior need replacing?

Respond: As a result of these truths, what might need to change in my attitude, beliefs, and actions? What steps do I need to take outwardly?

Embracing the Life

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4).

Do you remember, as a child, when you first realized the light in the refrigerator did not always remain on while the door was closed? You knew the bulb shined brightly when the refrigerator was open, but you had doubts about whether or not it stayed on when the door was closed. If you were the curious type, you may have wrestled with this thought for days and asked, “How long does this light last? What happens to the food when it’s dark? Do scary creatures walk around inside?”

The Apostle John spends considerable time contrasting life and death and light and darkness. He wants his readers to know explicitly that Jesus is the life, the light of the world. Jesus is not only the source of life, but also the distributor of life. His presence on Earth served in part to shine light into the darkness. Jesus is the light of the world. Through the power of His presence, Jesus distributed life into a world filled with darkness, pain, and hopelessness.

Jesus, the light of life, was the true light. There were no gimmicks or empty promises. Jesus delivered on His every word. He brought freedom from spiritual bondage, healing for the brokenhearted, and rest for those who were tired of figuring life out on their own. Jesus said, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:5). The life of Jesus is to be accepted and embraced. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Jesus’ life was exactly what people needed 2,000 years ago, and it is exactly what people need today to break free from their world of sin, brokenness, and despair. “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5). If you are a believer, you now have the light of life living within you. Embrace the light and live in the light! Leave the darkness alone. Remember, in Christ, you are the salt and light of the earth.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16).

Read: Open your Bible and read John 12:46.

Reflect: Prayerfully consider the following: Is any part of my life drifting closer to the darkness? What can I do to stop this pattern right now?

Respond: As a result of these truths, what might need to change in my attitude, beliefs, and actions? What steps do I need to take outwardly?

The source of this content comes from our book, Walking with Jesus.