God on Earth

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

Filmmakers have perfected the element of surprise. With advanced technology, they can create special effects to get audiences to laugh, cry, or even scream. When Jesus arrived on earth there was an element of surprise. People were not expecting the Messiah to arrive quietly. They were waiting for the Messiah to establish His eternal throne and rule.

No doubt the disciples were also waiting for a spectacular demonstration of political power. They even argued about which disciples would have positions of authority in this new Kingdom. They totally missed the point. John later reflected profoundly on what really happened: God came near. Jesus became one of us, and the disciples experienced all of it.

Does it really matter what our title is if God is present in our lives? Does it really matter how much money we make or how many things we can acquire if the presence of God lives within us? Each of the disciples experienced the majestic glory of God. They literally lived with Jesus.

The disciples spent time eating, talking, and watching the Creator of life in action. They witnessed His healing touch and learned from His teachings. It did not matter if they were near the ocean or on top of a mountain. The key was that God was present among them. He was close and available.

Don’t forget what’s important in life. Regardless of where you find yourself on the “corporate ladder,” there is so much more to life. Making time to talk with God and listen to His voice are essential elements of the faith. Reading God’s Word and letting Him make the necessary adjustments in your life can be painful, but necessary. God prunes you to grow you.

In Christ Jesus we find the glory of God. We reflect this glory when our lives match our identity. Your identity is found in a person, Jesus, not in a position. Be encouraged! Even at this very moment, God is near you. He understands what you are experiencing. Cling to Him right now in prayer.

Read:  Open your Bible and read John 15:4-5.

Reflect:  Prayerfully consider the following: How can I make more time to get closer to Jesus? Am I seeking approval from people, or from God? Do people see God’s love, mercy, and justice living through me?

Respond:  As a result of these truths, what might need to change in my attitude, beliefs, and actions? What steps do I need to take outwardly?

The source of this content comes from our book, Walking with Jesus.